Commit 850235c5 by Chauka Dev

Fixed - We select option from drop down after refresh the page, App is crashed.

parent 043807a8
......@@ -318,6 +318,7 @@ public class CatalogueVariableScreen extends AppCompatActivity {
if(syncStatus == SyncStatus.SUCCESS) {
mCatalogueVariableList = CatalogueVariableManager.getAllVariable(mCatalogueItem.getId());
/*This if condition is use for, when variable form will load very first time
* Other wise according to our logic we have to show dialog because we will get mFormHasChanged is "true"
* Reason behind is getting "true" is -
......@@ -338,7 +339,6 @@ public class CatalogueVariableScreen extends AppCompatActivity {
/*Create dynamic layout and set Ui Policy*/
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