Commit 0a588ca9 by Sai Komuravelli

recruiters updates

parent d05e6155
Showing with 16 additions and 19 deletions
......@@ -28,7 +28,22 @@
- i don't want it
- no, thank you
## intent:stop
- please stop it
- discard
- discard that please
- just stop it
- cancel it
- quit now
- exit immediately
- not helped just stop
- why don't you stop
- cancel
- exit
- quit
- halt
- abort
- stop
## intent:send_sms
- send 19169995105
......@@ -43,24 +58,6 @@
- 19169995105 sms
- sms to 19169995105
## intent:primary_information
- primary info
- primary infomation
- primary infomation details
- grab some information on primary infomation
- about primary infomation
- primary infomation gathering
- information related to primary
- get the details of primary info
- informaiton related to primary
- primary infomation for me
- information on primary infomation
- details of primary infomation
## intent:stop
- please stop it
- discard
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